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When Should I Update My Homeowner’s Policy?

You may be tempted to forget about your homeowner’s policy, but there are situations when you will need to update your policy. At Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee, we offer homeowner’s insurance. 

Changes to Your Household

If someone moves into or out of your home, you’ll need to update your homeowner’s policy. This includes adopting a child, giving birth, or having an elderly family member move in. If your teen heads off to college, you should also update your policy. 

Getting a Security System

You may qualify for a discount if you’ve recently installed a security system in your home. A security system reduces the risk to the insurance company because your home is less likely to be damaged or burglarized. 

Improving Your Home 

If you’ve renovated your home or added more square footage, you’ll need to contact your insurance company. When you make improvements to your home, it increases its value. It’s important to ensure that your home is properly valued and that you have enough coverage. 

Changes to Assets 

If you’ve recently bought an expensive asset, you will need to document this with the insurance company. You may need extra coverage to be adequately protected. If you’ve sold an asset, you must also update your policy. This includes jewelry, antiques, art, and other valuables. 

Employment Changes 

Your insurance company should also know if your employment situation changes. This is particularly important if you begin a home-based business. Most policies offer very limited protection for business equipment. However, you can add to your policy to ensure your equipment is adequately insured. 

Homeowner’s Insurance with Riskbusters Insurance

If you need homeowner’s insurance in Tennessee, contact us at Riskbusters Insurance. Our friendly agents will discuss your needs and help you choose the best policy for your situation.

Why You Need Liability Coverage in Your Home Insurance Policy

Your home policy gives you several types of coverage all in one policy. There is coverage for your dwelling, your belongings, and your liability in your policy. It’s essential to have liability coverage in your home policy because the cost of certain incidents can be so high. When it’s time to get your home policy, contact us at Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee to learn more. 

Liability Protection

You’re responsible for whatever goes on in your home. This includes any accidents or other incidents that result in injuries. There are so many different ways that someone can get injured that it can be impossible to prevent every cause of accidents. Someone could slip and fall and injure themselves while doing activities like sports, etc. When you have home insurance, you have the liability protection to cover the bills resulting from the injuries. 

Expensive Accidents

If an injury happens on your property, it doesn’t have to be serious for it to be expensive. A small cut could need stitches and vaccinations, which could involve missing work. Without your home liability coverage, you’d owe for all of the medical bills, lost wages, ongoing therapy, and the injured party’s legal bills. You’d be far more vulnerable to lawsuits as well. When you have the necessary liability policy, it can save you an enormous amount on medical bills and other expenses. Make sure you have enough liability coverage to pay for serious accidents that come with high medical costs. Enough coverage can save you from spending thousands in overages after your liability coverage maxes out. 

Get Home Insurance Now

If you don’t have home insurance yet, don’t wait to get it. Call us at Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee. 

What Every Homeowner Should Know About Home Insurance

Tennessee is a place many people call home, and when it comes to protecting those homes, the Rickbusters Insurance can help. While the music of Nashville, the history of Memphis, and the beauty of the Volunteer State are all reasons people love calling Tennessee home, protecting the place we call home is important, regardless of where you live.

Protecting Tennessee Homes

While home is the place we often regard as our refuge, our little piece of the world, or our sanctuary, it doesn’t mean things will always be calm on the homefront. The good news is that many homeowners will never have to contend with many of the potential concerns homeowners can face, but when they do – help like the Riskbusters Insurance agency is there to help.

What Homeowners Should Know About Home Insurance

Home insurance offers a range of coverage options, and can be structured in several different ways, such as cash value and replacement cost coverage options and more. The key is understanding those options and what your home needs.

That is also where the team at Riskbusters Insurance can deliver the insights, expertise, and services Tennessee homeowners need and deserve. From peace of mind to the pieces homeowners need to recover from the unexpected and unforeseen, the right home insurance coverage makes a difference.

For All Your Home Insurance Needs

If you are in the market for home insurance or would like to learn more about home insurance coverage and your options, we can help. Contact our team at Riskbusters Insurance to learn more about how we can help and get the protection, coverage, and peace of mind Tennessee homeowners need.

Will my homeowners insurance protect me from damage caused by a vandal or burglar?

For whatever reason, burglary rates are higher than average in Tennessee. You want to protect yourself and your family, and you probably already take steps to make it as difficult as possible to get into your Tennessee home. Even then, there are people who may vandalize your property or steal items left outside, such as garden tools. At Riskbusters Insurance, we want to help you navigate those risks to a level where you are comfortable.

What Kinds of Incidents Homeowners Insurance Covers

Your homeowners insurance is really a contract and your protections are spelled out. You are covered from most unexpected incidents unless they are excluded in the contract. So you can expect your insurance company to step up if there is a fire, storm, vandalism, or burglary.  There are some incidents like flooding and earthquake that are almost never included in your standard homeowners insurance, and you can discuss with your agent if you need those.

What Does Homeowners Insurance Protect?

Your homeowners’ insurance protects most of what is on your property. This includes but is not limited to

  • all your furniture, rugs, and window treatments;
  • your appliances, both small and large;
  • electronics, such as your television and laptop;
  • your clothing and other personal items;
  • small items like inexpensive jewelry;
  • and gardening equipment.

There are some more expensive items that you may want to get extra coverage for, such as expensive jewelry or paintings. Those are the kinds of items that are attractive to thieves but that may fall outside the scope of your homeowners’ insurance. 

Schedule A Consultation Today

Protect your Tennessee home and your belongings. If you would like to discuss your coverage level, or if you just have general questions about homeowners insurance, please call Riskbusters Insurance today.

Are Tornadoes Covered By a Home Insurance Policy?

Here at Riskbusters Insurance, we are pleased to provide home insurance to residents in the state of Tennessee. One of the things that differentiate us from other insurance companies is that we take the time to listen to our customers and ensure they have a policy that best covers them and their homes. One of the questions that our customers have is whether a home insurance policy covers tornadoes. 

Does A Home Insurance Policy Cover Tornadoes?

Whether or not a home insurance policy covers tornadoes depends on the specifics of the policy. In general, most standard home insurance policies do provide coverage for damage caused by tornadoes, as they are considered a type of windstorm. However, it is always important to review the terms and conditions of the policy to understand what is and isn’t covered. Our agents can review your policy and tell you whether tornadoes are covered or excluded under a specific policy.

It’s worth noting that some insurance policies may have specific exclusions or limitations when it comes to windstorm coverage. For example, the policy may not cover damage caused by flooding or storm surges, which can often occur in conjunction with tornadoes. As such, it is important to understand what is and what is not covered.

We Are Here To Help!

Tornadoes can hit Tennessee, with an average of 17 tornadoes touching down in populated areas in Tennessee throughout the year. Having the right home insurance coverage is important to ensure that your home and your belongings are covered in case a tornado causes damage to your home.

Here at Riskbusters Insurance, our team can help you find the best home insurance policy for your needs. Call us now to schedule an appointment to talk about home insurance coverage with our helpful and knowledgeable insurance agents. 

Home Insurance and What’s Covered in Your Garage and Shed

Home insurance is an important part of protecting your family and property, but it’s important to know exactly what it covers. Does home insurance cover the items inside your garage or shed? The answer depends on where you live and the type of policy you buy. Riskbusters Insurance explains what home insurance covers when it comes to your garage and shed. 

Types of Coverage for Tennessee Home Insurance 

There are two basic types of coverage available through most Tennessee home insurance providers. The first is actual cash value, which pays for items at their depreciated value. This means that if something needs to be replaced after an incident, you’ll only get paid for what the item was worth at the time of the loss, minus any deductible costs you have to pay out of pocket. 

The second type of coverage is replacement cost coverage. This type of policy pays for items at their current market value, so if something needs to be replaced after an incident, you’ll be able to replace it with a similar item without losing money due to depreciation.

What Does Home Insurance Cover? 

Most standard Tennessee home insurance policies will cover items stored in your garage or shed as long as they are not excluded from coverage by your specific policy language.

Items like tools, lawnmowers, snow blowers, bicycles, and other outdoor equipment are usually covered up to a certain limit depending on the type of policy you purchase and what company insures your policy.

Contact Us Today

We hope we have answered your questions about covering your belongings stored in garages or sheds! Still have questions? Contact Riskbusters Insurance today.

Tennessee Homeowner’s Insurance 101

Owning a home is a big responsibility. Homeowners need to manage maintenance, risks, and overall comfort and living conditions. Beyond the day-to-day basics, homeowners also need to choose an insurance policy that makes all these tasks possible and manages all the risks involved in ownership.

Riskbusters Insurance serving Tennessee can help you understand the basics of homeowners insurance, according to the Tennessee State Government.

Tennessee Homeowner’s Insurance 101

Dwelling & Structures

Structure-based insurance refers to policies that protect the physical building that is your home (dwelling), and may also include any outbuildings such as a garage, shed, barn, or guesthouse. Structures will need to be protected against physical damage from weather-related events and also 

Personal & Physical Property

Property insurance may refer to the land you physically own. Personal property insurance is the policy that protects your valuables and keepsakes inside the home and on the land. Personal property will help you regain the value of damaged or stolen items. 

Medical and Legal Liability

Liability insurance is the coverage you need (and you are often required to obtain) to protect persons on your property from harm. If a visitor were to get injured on a broken step, for example, liability insurance would help pay for that person’s medical bills and potential loss of work. 

Loss of Use

If your home is damaged, you may not be able to live there until the damage is fixed, such as after a flood, fire, or fallen tree branch. Loss of use can help you afford the cost of residing somewhere else until you can move back in.

Get Home Insurance Today

If you want to get started finding the right policy for your own home, contact Riskbusters Insurance serving Tennessee. We’re ready to provide you with a custom quote.


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