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Insurance Coverage for Commercial Operating Systems

Inspect commercial operating systems that aren’t covered by your existing commercial insurance policy. Determine whether adding these essential systems to your current insurance plan would be beneficial.

Operating Systems

Commercial operating systems are crucial to your company’s success. Ensuring these systems provides a smooth operation for you and your workforce.

  • Conveyor belts
  • Automated pickers and packers
  • Packaging Equipment
  • Automated cleaning devices
  • Automated sorters

The above list provides examples of operating systems commonly found in modern businesses. Though well-maintained by a business owner, these systems are subject to damage or theft. With insurance coverage, such essential operating systems can be repaired or replaced as necessary.


Prepare a list of commercial operating systems that are frequently used and walk through your business premises. Then, carry out an individual assessment of each operating system.

If you find any worn or damaged mechanical parts, schedule a service appointment. Once the systems have been well-maintained and are operational, prepare a list that features each system’s model number.

Coverage Types

Insurance can be purchased to protect you from liability claims. Liability insurance covers legal issues arising from accidents or damage caused by your operating systems. You can also get insurance covering theft, vandalism, and damage from weather events.

Obtaining comprehensive insurance coverage provides protection for a wide range of incidents that may necessitate system repair or replacement.

Contact Riskbusters Insurance

Contact a Riskbusters Insurance representative for advice about commercial insurance coverage. An agent serving Tennessee will arrange a consultation for you.

When Should I Update My Homeowner’s Policy?

You may be tempted to forget about your homeowner’s policy, but there are situations when you will need to update your policy. At Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee, we offer homeowner’s insurance. 

Changes to Your Household

If someone moves into or out of your home, you’ll need to update your homeowner’s policy. This includes adopting a child, giving birth, or having an elderly family member move in. If your teen heads off to college, you should also update your policy. 

Getting a Security System

You may qualify for a discount if you’ve recently installed a security system in your home. A security system reduces the risk to the insurance company because your home is less likely to be damaged or burglarized. 

Improving Your Home 

If you’ve renovated your home or added more square footage, you’ll need to contact your insurance company. When you make improvements to your home, it increases its value. It’s important to ensure that your home is properly valued and that you have enough coverage. 

Changes to Assets 

If you’ve recently bought an expensive asset, you will need to document this with the insurance company. You may need extra coverage to be adequately protected. If you’ve sold an asset, you must also update your policy. This includes jewelry, antiques, art, and other valuables. 

Employment Changes 

Your insurance company should also know if your employment situation changes. This is particularly important if you begin a home-based business. Most policies offer very limited protection for business equipment. However, you can add to your policy to ensure your equipment is adequately insured. 

Homeowner’s Insurance with Riskbusters Insurance

If you need homeowner’s insurance in Tennessee, contact us at Riskbusters Insurance. Our friendly agents will discuss your needs and help you choose the best policy for your situation.

Why You Need Liability Coverage in Your Home Insurance Policy

Your home policy gives you several types of coverage all in one policy. There is coverage for your dwelling, your belongings, and your liability in your policy. It’s essential to have liability coverage in your home policy because the cost of certain incidents can be so high. When it’s time to get your home policy, contact us at Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee to learn more. 

Liability Protection

You’re responsible for whatever goes on in your home. This includes any accidents or other incidents that result in injuries. There are so many different ways that someone can get injured that it can be impossible to prevent every cause of accidents. Someone could slip and fall and injure themselves while doing activities like sports, etc. When you have home insurance, you have the liability protection to cover the bills resulting from the injuries. 

Expensive Accidents

If an injury happens on your property, it doesn’t have to be serious for it to be expensive. A small cut could need stitches and vaccinations, which could involve missing work. Without your home liability coverage, you’d owe for all of the medical bills, lost wages, ongoing therapy, and the injured party’s legal bills. You’d be far more vulnerable to lawsuits as well. When you have the necessary liability policy, it can save you an enormous amount on medical bills and other expenses. Make sure you have enough liability coverage to pay for serious accidents that come with high medical costs. Enough coverage can save you from spending thousands in overages after your liability coverage maxes out. 

Get Home Insurance Now

If you don’t have home insurance yet, don’t wait to get it. Call us at Riskbusters Insurance in Tennessee. 

The Role of Life Insurance for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Growth

As a small business owner in Tennessee, safeguarding your business’s future and providing for your family rests heavily on your shoulders. Life insurance, often overlooked as a business tool, can serve as an essential pillar of financial security and a strategy for risk mitigation. Leveraging the benefits of life insurance can secure your venture’s longevity and foster long-term success.

Financial Security for Business Owners

At its core, life insurance provides financial security for business owners and their families. The tax-free lump sum payment provided on the insurer’s demise can be utilized to settle outstanding debts, manage continuous business expenditures, and cater to the financial needs of surviving family members. By offering a safety net, life insurance ensures that your entrepreneurial journey continues, even in your absence.

Insurance for Key Personnel

The success of a business largely hinges on the performance of its key personnel – the founders, executives, and indispensable employees. Their death could bring about significant financial implications. Life insurance policies aimed at key personnel provide coverage for costs involved in recruiting and training replacements and compensate for potential loss of revenue, ensuring business continuity.

Funds for Business Expansion

Certain types of life insurance policies, like whole or universal life insurance, can accumulate cash value over time. These funds can be borrowed or withdrawn to fund business expansion projects, acquisitions, and market penetration initiatives, adding another layer of financial stability to your business model.

How Riskbusters Insurance Can Assist You

Navigating the insurance landscape can prove complex. At Riskbusters Insurance, we provide comprehensive knowledge and guidance around life and other insurance types. Serving Tennessee’s entrepreneurial community, we are merely a call away. Contact us today for further information.

Four things you need to know about your commercial insurance policy

Commercial Insurance Unpacked with Riskbusters Insurance

As a business owner in Tennessee, it’s essential to understand your commercial insurance coverage fully. Riskbusters Insurance is here to provide the coverage you require and shine a light on what that entails.

Know What Your Policy Covers

Commercial insurance policies usually include a variety of coverage types. It’s important that you recognize the types you’ve purchased for your company. Revisit your policy to verify if you have included critical commercial insurance coverage like liability, commercial auto, and workers’ compensation.

Understand Your Policy Duration and Renewal Date

Your commercial insurance policy will last for a set duration, after which it will require renewal. Keep track of your policy term length to ensure continuous coverage and avoid any insurance gaps.

Learn How to File a Claim

At some point, you may need to file a claim on your commercial insurance policy. Being familiar with the claims process can significantly reduce the stress of filing a claim. Arm yourself with knowledge of the process to be better prepared for future claims.

Be Aware of your Premium Costs

Commercial insurance premiums should be included in your company’s budget. This allows for accurate financial planning while providing quality insurance coverage free from financial strain.

Contact Riskbusters Insurance Today

Get your business insured today by reaching out to us at Riskbusters Insurance. We take pride in offering competitive quotes on commercial insurance policies in Tennessee. Don’t hesitate to call us now!

What Every Homeowner Should Know About Home Insurance

Tennessee is a place many people call home, and when it comes to protecting those homes, the Rickbusters Insurance can help. While the music of Nashville, the history of Memphis, and the beauty of the Volunteer State are all reasons people love calling Tennessee home, protecting the place we call home is important, regardless of where you live.

Protecting Tennessee Homes

While home is the place we often regard as our refuge, our little piece of the world, or our sanctuary, it doesn’t mean things will always be calm on the homefront. The good news is that many homeowners will never have to contend with many of the potential concerns homeowners can face, but when they do – help like the Riskbusters Insurance agency is there to help.

What Homeowners Should Know About Home Insurance

Home insurance offers a range of coverage options, and can be structured in several different ways, such as cash value and replacement cost coverage options and more. The key is understanding those options and what your home needs.

That is also where the team at Riskbusters Insurance can deliver the insights, expertise, and services Tennessee homeowners need and deserve. From peace of mind to the pieces homeowners need to recover from the unexpected and unforeseen, the right home insurance coverage makes a difference.

For All Your Home Insurance Needs

If you are in the market for home insurance or would like to learn more about home insurance coverage and your options, we can help. Contact our team at Riskbusters Insurance to learn more about how we can help and get the protection, coverage, and peace of mind Tennessee homeowners need.

What is High Value Home Insurance and Who Can Benefit From It?

In the realm of insurance, have you explored the benefits of High-Value Home Insurance? For Tennessee residents seeking superior protection, Riskbusters Insurance is your local expert. Let’s uncover what High-Value Home Insurance is and discover who can benefit from this specialized coverage.

Understanding High-Value Home Insurance

Tailored for homes that exceed typical coverage limits, High-Value Home Insurance ensures your unique residence is safeguarded against risks that standard policies may not fully address. Tennessee, with its diverse landscapes and architectural gems, deserves insurance coverage that appreciates the exceptional nature of your home.

Who Can Benefit?

If your home holds substantial value through unique features or valuable possessions, High-Value Home Insurance is designed for you. Here’s more about this specialized insurance from Riskbusters Insurance.

Tailored Protection for Tennessee Homes

Living in the scenic beauty of Tennessee comes with its own set of considerations. Our understanding of local nuances means we offer High-Value Home Insurance that aligns with the specific needs of Tennessee homeowners. We go beyond the standard, ensuring your unique property and possessions are adequately protected.

Why Choose Us?

As a dedicated insurance partner in Tennessee, we bring years of expertise to the table. Our commitment to the community means we understand the distinct challenges and opportunities that come with living in this vibrant state. When it comes to High-Value Home Insurance, Riskbusters Insurance is ready to guide you toward comprehensive coverage tailored to you.

Ready to elevate your home insurance to match your Tennessee residence’s value? Call us today to explore the benefits of High-Value Home Insurance or to obtain a personalized estimate. Our experts are here to answer your questions.

Why do many people getting life insurance in Tennessee need to get a physical first?

There are some companies that offer life insurance to Tennessee residents without requiring a physical exam. However, depending on your circumstances, it may be to your advantage to choose a policy that does require an exam. Riskbusters Insurance can help you explore your options so you can choose the best policies for yourself and your family.

 Why Are Exams Required Before Purchasing Life Insurance?

Life insurance companies make decisions based on risk. The longer you live, the better it is for the insurance company because they generally won’t have to pay out while you are alive. 

If you are not in the best of health, don’t despair. Your insurance agent can still help you find a policy with the best rates possible. There are even some competitive policies that don’t require an exam.

What Happens During an Exam

A physical exam for a life insurance policy can take place anywhere, including your home, a doctor’s office, or your insurance agent’s office. Most of the exam is questions. The examiner will want to know:

  • What is your history of tobacco, alcohol, and drug use?
  • What is your driving record?
  • Are you currently taking any prescriptions?
  • Have you ever been hospitalized?
  • Is there a history of cancer, heart disease, or other chronic conditions in your immediate family?
  • Do you have any dangerous hobbies?

You should prepare for the exam by gathering any records you have so that you can answer the questions easily.

Consult With Us

You have a lot of choices if you are getting Tennessee life insurance. It can be overwhelming, and you want to get the best policy you can. If you have any questions about life insurance or would like to compare policies, please call Riskbusters Insurance today.

Do Freelancers Need Commercial Insurance?

If you’re a freelancer serving clients in Tennessee and beyond, you may think you don’t need commercial insurance, primarily if you work out of your home. However, some situations may require obtaining specific insurance types before taking on new clients. Other situations may not require them but may be preferable to your future operations. Riskbusters Insurance can help you decide what types of commercial insurance can meet your needs.

Your Clients May Ask You to Carry Insurance

An increasing trend involves clients asking freelancers they work with to carry insurance to cover risks at no cost to them because of today’s highly litigious society. Many businesses do whatever they can to minimize risk and protect themselves from paying defense fees, compensation costs, and reputational damage if a lawsuit occurs. In most cases, professional liability insurance may be nice, but in other cases, it could be a dealbreaker for lucrative contracts that bring in a lot of money.

The Type of Policies Needed Depends on Your Industry

Freelance contractors performing physical work like plumbing, electrical, HVAC, and similar jobs can benefit from policies that protect their tools and equipment. Some professions may also need a general liability policy for freelancers to obtain a license. Errors and omissions insurance can be tailored to your specific industry requirements. Among the various types of policies to consider are:

  • Tech errors and omissions to protect against unexpected cyberattacks
  • Media liability insurance for plagiarism or libel claims
  • Inland marine insurance when transporting business property
  • Business interruption insurance

Consult With Us

If you’re wondering what types of commercial insurance are most appropriate for your freelancing career, Riskbusters Insurance serving Tennessee residents and businesses can help. Contact our office today to speak with one of our agents to get started on a policy.

Do Freelancers Need Commercial Insurance?

If you’re a freelancer serving clients in Tennessee and beyond, you may think you don’t need commercial insurance, primarily if you work out of your home. However, some situations may require obtaining specific insurance types before taking on new clients. Other situations may not require them but may be preferable to your future operations. Riskbusters Insurance can help you decide what types of commercial insurance can meet your needs.

Your Clients May Ask You to Carry Insurance

An increasing trend involves clients asking freelancers they work with to carry insurance to cover risks at no cost to them because of today’s highly litigious society. Many businesses do whatever they can to minimize risk and protect themselves from paying defense fees, compensation costs, and reputational damage if a lawsuit occurs. In most cases, professional liability insurance may be nice, but in other cases, it could be a dealbreaker for lucrative contracts that bring in a lot of money.

The Type of Policies Needed Depends on Your Industry

Freelance contractors performing physical work like plumbing, electrical, HVAC, and similar jobs can benefit from policies that protect their tools and equipment. Some professions may also need a general liability policy for freelancers to obtain a license. Errors and omissions insurance can be tailored to your specific industry requirements. Among the various types of policies to consider are:

  • Tech errors and omissions to protect against unexpected cyberattacks
  • Media liability insurance for plagiarism or libel claims
  • Inland marine insurance when transporting business property
  • Business interruption insurance

Consult With Us

If you’re wondering what types of commercial insurance are most appropriate for your freelancing career, Riskbusters Insurance serving Tennessee residents and businesses can help. Contact our office today to speak with one of our agents to get started on a policy.


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